How Kundli Dosh can affect marriage?
Every person born on this planet has a unique destiny. This fortune which is unique is governed by the position of various planets in their horoscope. Astrology in the birth chart or Kundli consists of various Kundli Doshas which are not very visible. Dainik Astrology Astrologer said that horoscope matching depends on the day, date, time and place of birth of both the individuals. Since these doshas can be harmful it is important to find Kundli Dosha Nivaran. Kundli doshas may or may not affect your marriage depending on the horoscope of the person and couples still have a chance of a happy married life. Kundali dosha is given supreme importance while checking the marriage compatibility between two persons. Some cases of kundli dosh can have serious effects which can last for a long time between married couples. Therefore, it is a serious advice that a marriage between two incompatible people should be avoided. Many suitable measures are taken to reduce the bad effect of this defect on the person’s marriage.
Understanding Kundali Dosha and its effect on marriage
The process of Kundali matching begins by comparing 36 aspects of the couple planning to marry. It is said that according to astrology horoscope predictions, there should be a matching of at least 18 aspects between the two horoscopes. Horoscope matching with other astrological aspects of the couple can determine whether they will live in happiness and harmony with less problems in their love marriage. Kundali dosha refers to some serious defects in the horoscope compatibility of two persons who are planning to get married it cause of love problem after marriage. According to many astrologers, couples having these doshas can opt for kundli dosha remedies and enjoy a smooth marriage.
Mangal dosha
Mangal Dosha is commonly found in Kundli and is likely to be a point of a high problem in different types of Kundali Dosha cases. This defect varies from high to low according to the position of Mars. It may depend on the position of other planets and the way all the planets are related to Mars. This dosha can cause some major problems like delayed marriage, troubled married life, death of spouse, separation from life partner and frequent quarrels in the family.
Pulse defect
Astrological study of the horoscope of the couple reveals that both the candidates belong to the same Nadi Dosha, which is called Nadi Dosha. This position can affect the outlook of marital compatibility. The presence of this dosha predicts an incomplete married life or a highly troubled love life. The most prominent effects of this type of dosha on marriage include incomplete relationships, conflicts in the home, lack of bonding between the couple and absence of children in the family.
Bhakoot dosh
Bhakoot Kundli dosh should not be present in Kundli matching during marriage prospects. This dosha can highly affect the marriage by making the couple infertile or reducing the chances of childbirth in the family. The effect of Bhakoot Dosh can last for a very long time in married life. This dosha can also affect the economic condition of the family, mutual happiness and life between the partners
Horoscope matching has many benefits and has proved to be a very safe way to measure the future of couples planning for marriage. In today’s modern world there are many examples of late marriages, love marriages, and intercaste or intercaste marriages. Horoscope matching may not seem practical but it can help in detecting any kind of horoscope-matching defects. Such an astrological process along with many other methods can give some idea about the psyche of a person and in turn help in taking a mature decision. Horoscope matching is one of the best ways that can tell the couple about the qualities of the prospective partner and the real image of their future life. So, if you are confused to choose your right partner then horoscope matching can be considered as a good option. You can consult Astro Life Solution for Guna Matching and Kundli Matching Online to guide you for a perfect marriage.