Bitterness in marital relations comes due to these reasons
There can be many reasons for bitterness in marital relations, many such problems are seen in married life. When there is bitterness in married life and the married life of both husband and wife becomes very stressful. It is said that husband and wife are two wheels of a cart and they have to maintain a balance in life. If there is a lack of mutual understanding between husband and wife and both are not helping each other to move forward, then the wheel of their married life may wobble.
Many times, due to many other reasons including social pressure, discord in the house, the habit of doubting each other, the married life gets spoiled and a situation of tension arises in the marital relationship. If you are married and want to maintain freshness in the relationship between husband and wife, then you have to avoid all those things which create a rift in the relationship. Keeping this in mind, in this article, we are going to tell you what causes bitterness in marital relationships and how we can avoid them by knowing the main causes of tension in married life.
Reasons for stress in married life
If love ends in married life, then tension arises in the relationship. Let us know why there is bitterness in marital relations.
Marital life is affected due to lack of interest in each other
According to world famous astrologer that the reason for bitterness in married life is not only fighting, but married life is also affected due to lack of interest in each other. Actually, the beauty and fitness status of the wife for the husband and the husband is a status symbol for the wife and both want to see each other beautiful in the crowd. After marriage, if the husband’s stomach starts coming out, weight starts increasing and the woman’s body also starts swelling, then the interest of husband and wife in each other starts decreasing. They start praising other man and woman and do not give time to each other, due to which there is bitterness in married life.
Relationships get affected due to not being able to bear the burden of responsibilities
Responsibilities increase after marriage, to fulfill which both husband and wife need each other’s cooperation. But it is often seen that most married people fail to fulfill their responsibilities properly. They spend unaccountably, avoid essential household chores, don’t even fulfill their duty as a father towards the child. In this way, due to being careless and not taking the side of one’s responsibilities, the car of married life starts to waver and married life becomes unsuccessful.
Having high expectations due to bitterness in married life
After marriage, there is a change in the life of both men and women and both have a lot of expectations from each other. For example, if the girl is not able to keep pace with the boy’s family and the boy also depends on others for every work and is not able to live up to the girl’s expectations, then it is natural to have bitterness in the married life. , It is generally seen that one of the husband and wife is bossy in nature and always tries to get his point across. In such a situation, if you are not able to live up to the expectations, then there can be a rift in the relationship between the two of you.
Lack of friendship affects married life
It is said that in order to understand each other, it is necessary to become friends of each other before becoming husband and wife. If husband and wife consider and understand each other as friends, then everything goes well and marital relations also get stronger. But if there is more ego in them and they forget their friendship and do not forgive each other’s mistake for a long time, then the relationship starts deteriorating. In order to remove all bitterness from married life, both have to inculcate the habit of forgetting and forgiving in their nature, otherwise the relationship becomes a burden.
Due to drug addiction, there is a rift in the relationship
Such problems are often seen in married life. If the husband is addicted to drugs, drinking alcohol, excessive smoking and gambling, then it is natural for the married life to deteriorate. It has been found in a survey that husbands harass their wives the most under the influence of alcohol and because of this women are also victims of domestic violence. Apart from this, the husband keeps on abusing and fighting with the wife, which also affects the lives of the children and brings bitterness in the married life forever.
Sex problem causes bitterness in the relationship between husband and wife
Sex problems are often seen in married life. Sex is an important part of marriage and if the sexual life of a married couple is not going well then it can lead to bitterness in married life. If the husband or wife is not able to fulfill each other’s physical needs or is struggling with problems like lack of sexual arousal, lack of sexual arousal, not being able to have sex in the right position and not being satisfied with sex, then they have estrangement may be in. It is a cause of arise love problem in a married life.
There is bitterness in marital relations due to discord in the house.
It is often seen that marital life is also affected due to discord in the family. A situation comes when the husband is neither able to take the side of the mother nor the wife. In this ruckus, he becomes even more irritable and slowly starts moving away from his wife. Many times the wife starts living under a lot of stress due to quarrel with her in-laws, responsibility of raising children and other types of problems that happen daily in the house, due to which mutual understanding between husband and wife decreases. not developing properly And there is a rift in the relationship between husband and wife.
Marital life gets affected due to financial problems
If the economic condition of the husband is not strong, then this can also be a reason for bitterness in married life. It has been seen in most of the houses that due to lack of money the daily needs are not fulfilled and because of this the husband is not able to fulfill any wish of his wife. The husband is troubled in the electricity bill, house rent and bread and is not able to enjoy the happiness of married life nor can he keep his wife happy. Due to financial constraints, many times the husband gets into debt and the budget of the house gets spoiled. This is one of the main reasons for bitterness in married life.